Bad things about living in Palm Springs

8 Bad Things About Living in Palm Springs | Shocking Facts

Bad Things About Living in Palm Springs

Palm Springs, California is a popular destination for tourists and retirees. From its year-round sunshine, stunning scenery, unique shopping, and nightlife scene, to its multitude of outdoor activities, it is easy to see why many people flock to the area. Unfortunately, with all the good things about living in Palm Springs come to some drawbacks as well. This article will explore some of the bad things about living in Palm Springs that you should consider before making the move.

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Bad Things About Living in Palm Springs

1. Is it Expensive to live in Palm Springs? -Palm Spring’s cost of living

Generally, living in Palm Springs is expensive. Utility prices, public transportation and gas prices, and grocery prices are way higher than the national average.  Also renting or owning a home in Palm Springs can be prohibitively expensive, making it difficult for even middle-class wage earners to afford a place of their own.

See the following chart.


Bad things about living in Palm Springs

As if these costs weren’t bad enough, local taxes are also quite high compared to other parts of the country which only adds more financial strain to residents. To make matters worse, salaries often fail to keep up with the rising cost of living in Palm Springs.

2. Earthquakes

The area is situated in an earthquake-prone region and seismic activity occurs more often than many people would like. What’s worse, these quakes can cause significant damage to homes and other structures, as well as disrupt daily life activities.

The risk of earthquakes is something that can’t be avoided when living in Palm Springs. Earthquakes occur with no warning or pattern, making them especially dangerous for those who live in the city. Quake intensity varies from mild tremors to large shocks that cause destruction to buildings and roads alike. Unfortunately, the damage caused by earthquakes is often expensive and time-consuming to repair. Additionally, even if there’s no structural damage after an earthquake hits, it could still leave residents feeling shaken up—both literally and figuratively!

3. Heavy Traffic

Despite its small size, Palm Springs has some of the worst traffic jams in California, making getting around town difficult and frustrating. The main cause of this congestion is the influx of tourists throughout the year as well as people who move to Palm Springs for retirement or work purposes.  Also, the area experiences some of the worst congestion in Southern California due to its location near Los Angeles and San Diego whilst many people are always commuting. Residents can expect long commutes, especially during rush hour or when major events are taking place.

The roads are also designed to be narrow which makes it hard for drivers to manoeuvre when they become jammed packed with cars during peak hours. Not only does this make it difficult for residents to get around but it also has an effect on air quality since many vehicles are on the road at once.

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4. LGBTQ Community in Palm Springs

Palm Springs, California has long been known as a destination for LGBTQ travellers. With its vibrant nightlife and progressive attitudes towards the LGBTQ community, it’s easy to see why this city is so attractive to many people. As one of the most popular vacation spots for gays and lesbians, Palm Springs is home to a large number of LGBTQ people who frequent its many bars, clubs, and other events. The presence of this population can be intimidating for those not accustomed to it. Additionally, some may find that they are not as accepted or welcomed by members of the local community.

5. The Hot Weather in Palm Springs

One particularly difficult aspect of living in Palm Springs is dealing with extreme heat exhaustion. 8 out of 12 months in Palm Springs are hot. The temperature often exceeds 100 degrees Fahrenheit for days at a time, making it difficult for outdoor activities or simply walking around town without feeling ill from the heat.

But Palm Springs isn’t just hot – it’s also a desert. That means low humidity, which can wreak havoc on skin and hair. If you’re not careful, you might find yourself walking away from your errands with chapped lips or frizzy hair.

Air conditioning bills become astronomically expensive during in hot months due to increased usage and cooling costs associated with running an air conditioner in such high temperatures.

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6. Lack of Economic Diversity

The city’s economy is primarily driven by tourism, with very little variety in other industries across the city. This means that many jobs are seasonal and have lower wages than those typically available elsewhere. The concentration of lower-income positions and limited opportunities for career progression make it difficult for citizens to gain financial stability. Additionally, as a result of limited job offerings, there are few prospects for people looking to move up in their career field or break into new ones with higher earning potential.

Additionally, the majority of job opportunities are geared towards those with higher incomes and advanced degrees. Consequently, individuals with limited education and lower-wage jobs often have little chance of finding gainful employment in Palm Springs.

7. Unreliable Public Transportation

For many residents, the biggest issue they face is unreliable public transportation. Commuters who rely on public transit to get to work and back home find it increasingly difficult to rely on the bus system when they need it most.

Long wait times, infrequent service and outdated buses are just some of the bad things about living in Palm Springs when it comes to its public transportation system. It’s not uncommon for people to wait up to an hour or more for a bus that doesn’t even run-on schedule.

The lack of reliable transportation means that commuters who rely on public transportation are often forced to pay high prices for rideshares or taxis just to get around town quickly and reliably. This significantly increases their travel costs compared with those who live elsewhere and have access to more efficient public transit systems.

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8. Moderate crime

Crime rates in Palm Springs are higher than the national average. This can be attributed to a number of factors such as poverty, gang-related activities, drug trafficking and an influx of people from other cities seeking refuge. As a result, violent crimes like robberies and assaults are more common occurrences here than elsewhere in the country.

Precisely, the city’s property crime is 74.8, compared to the US average of 35.4. Palm Springs’s violent crime is 37.9, compared to the US average of 22.7. This shows that the city’s violent crime rate is more than 50% above the state average, while property crime rates are nearly double those of similar-sized cities across the US.

However, crime is more rampant in some neighbourhoods than others. Some of the safest neighbourhoods include the Mesa, Sunrise Vista Chino, Warm Sands, Araby Commons/Araby Cove, Deepwell/Biltmore, and Racquet Club Estates/Vista Norte, among others. Unsafe neighbourhoods include the 4th to 8th Streets in Desert Hot Springs, Desert Highland Gateway Estates in North Palm Springs and Dream Homes in the Cathedral City/Palm Springs area, among others.

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Visit this website to learn more about Palm Springs’s cost of living.

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Wrap Up

In conclusion, living in Palm Springs is an excellent choice for those looking for a unique, sunny lifestyle. The year-round sunshine, abundance of recreational activities, and beautiful scenery make it a desirable place to live. However, the high cost of living and potential overcrowding, among other factors, can be drawbacks. Overall, it is up to each individual to weigh the pros and cons to determine whether or not Palm Springs is the right fit.

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1 thought on “8 Bad Things About Living in Palm Springs | Shocking Facts”

  1. I’ve lived in Palm Springs for 20 years. It continually gets worse. It has become so bad people are leaving. The homeless, drug, and gang activity have made even the best areas dangerous. The city government is extremely liberal and allows anything & everything in the way of crime. It’s sad. I am planning on moving away for my safety.

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