Bad Things About Living in New Orleans

11 Bad things about living in New Orleans | Must Read Before Moving

Bad things about living in New Orleans

Living in New Orleans

New Orleans is a vibrant city located in Louisiana, and it offers residents plenty of things to do and see. With a rich history, stunning architecture, and great food, living in New Orleans is an experience like no other. From the French Quarter to the Garden District, there are countless places to explore and experience the unique culture of this area.

Living in New Orleans means you’ll have access to some of the best seafood around as well as live music everywhere you go. There’s always something going on whether it’s a Mardi Gras parade or jazz festival. The city also has some great parks and green spaces for those who want to get outdoors during their free time. Even if you don’t plan on staying long-term, taking a trip down to New Orleans is an adventure that shouldn’t be missed!

Nonetheless, the city is not without its flaws.

Hot weather

New Orleans is hot from March through November. The heat and humidity can be especially unbearable when temperatures reach into the high 90s with a sweltering humidity index. Living in such an environment makes even the simplest of tasks seem impossible and it’s easy to become fatigued from simply walking outside for too long.

With a lack of air conditioning or spaces containing chilled air like movie theatres or shopping malls, finding relief from the extreme temperature is difficult if not nearly impossible at times.

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Housing can be a problem

In New Orleans, while housing is hard to find, housing is comparatively cheaper than in other metropolitan areas such as Miami or San Francisco. However, the houses are old, designed and built over 100 years ago and with features like tall ceilings, Victorian fireplaces, ornate moulding, and claw-foot tubs. This may not be as interesting for people who are seeking modernity. Property taxes are high, whilst many areas are simply too expensive for most budgets, making it hard to find housing that is within reach financially.

New Orleans housing problem

The cost of living is high

Rent prices are extremely high and have gone up significantly in recent years, making it difficult for locals and newcomers alike to find affordable housing options close to the action. The average rent for a one-bedroom apartment is over $1,400 per month, which can add up quickly if you’re on a budget.

This is coupled with transportation costs that are much higher than in cities like San Francisco and Portland. This is because public transportation is limited and car ownership is expensive with all associated fees such as insurance and gas. Groceries also tend to be more expensive in New Orleans than in other parts of the country, making it hard for people to stretch their money further.

The high cost of living isn’t helped by the fact that wages are lower here than in many other parts of the US; according to US News & World Report, salaries in New Orleans average $50k compared to $60k elsewhere.

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One of the worst aspects is that New Orleans is located in an area prone to hurricanes. They are common in the season between June 1 to October 1.

These powerful storms tend to cause immense damage to buildings, homes, and infrastructure. In addition to the physical destruction caused by hurricane winds and flooding, residents must also contend with costly repairs and cleanup efforts following such events.

Hurricanes in New Orleans

The aftermath of a major hurricane can be quite stressful for people as they try to recover from the damage done by these natural disasters. Moreover, insurance premiums tend to increase after a major storm passes through an area, so residents have to pay more out-of-pocket expenses than expected when it comes time for repairs or replacement.

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Gentrification is an ongoing issue in the city of New Orleans. As more expensive housing and businesses move into traditionally lower-income neighbourhoods, long-time residents have been pushed out due to rising costs of living. This has resulted in a range of bad things for people living in the city.

For one, as rent prices increase and the cost of living rises in urban areas, it’s become harder and harder for many families to stay in their homes. This is causing economic hardships, displacement and social disruption as individuals are forced to relocate outside of their original communities or even worse – out of the city altogether.

Another problem with gentrification is the loss of local culture that comes along with it; when old businesses close down and are replaced by trendy new ones catering mostly towards wealthier customers, there’s less opportunity for those from diverse backgrounds to come together over food, music or art specific to their region.

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Insects all year round

From mosquitoes in summer to termites, spiders and cockroaches indoors in winter, bugs are an all too common occurrence for residents of New Orleans. The hot climate makes for ideal breeding grounds for these pests, making them impossible to avoid when roaming around outdoors.

They also can find their way indoors, leaving you with an ongoing battle against these pests no matter what you do or where you go.

The problem becomes even worse when summer comes, as the humidity increases and more bugs come out of hiding. It can be difficult to keep your home bug-free all year round without regular pest control treatments or a significant amount of work on your part.

New Orleans Insects Infestation

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Poorly maintained and underdeveloped city infrastructure

New Orleans has an insufficient sewage system that overflows during heavy rainfalls and floods parts of the city. The streets are often filled with potholes. Power stations are dysfunctional.

From long power outages to poor road conditions and outdated public transport, there is plenty that residents have to contend with on a daily basis.

The city planning and local authorities have been notoriously slow at addressing these issues over the years. Inadequate funding ensures that repairs and upgrades to infrastructure are often delayed or never completed at all. This has led to decreased quality of life in certain areas Hoffman Triangle, Seventh Ward, Pines Village, and Saint Roch.

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Crime is out of control

Crime has been on the rise in New Orleans over recent years, making it one of the most dangerous cities in America. According to FBI statistics from 2019, it is ranked as the fourth most violent city in the nation. This makes it difficult to feel safe while out on the streets. Additionally, property crimes such as burglary are prevalent too – almost 40% more so than other U.S cities’ average rate!

The most problematic areas within New Orleans are densely populated neighbourhoods with a higher concentration of poverty, drugs, and gangs. Some of the most dangerous neighbourhoods include the entire East New Orleans (Compton South…), Central City especially around Second and Danneel, MLK, the Bywater especially around St Claude, Elysian, and Claiborne, and Annette. Parts of Old Algiers, the area around Carrollton and Banks, and anywhere near Hollygrove.

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Streets are a complete mess

With crumply infrastructure, no/poorly-maintained sidewalks, faulty water pumps and sewerage systems, New Orleans streets are a mess. The streets tend to flood when there is a hard rain. The city has over 100 years old pumping systems that are woefully incapable of providing proper drainage.

Driving in most of the streets is a nightmare. If you come with a low-profile vehicle, be sure the potholes here will eat you bumper. You will be weaving around pot-holes to move from point A to B.

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It’s not quiet

Living in New Orleans is anything but quiet. With its vibrant nightlife, colourful characters, and thrilling attractions, it’s a city that never sleeps.

In New Orleans, music is everywhere anytime, even at 3 am. It is a 24 hour party city. festival city and with thriving nightlife.

Whether you’re in a neighborhood close to Bourbon Street or just on a typical day out on the streets of New Orleans, there is an abundance of noise pollution. From car horns to street musicians playing their instruments late into the night and even just regular everyday conversations echoing off of buildings—it’s not quiet. This may be great for those who love bustling city life but can be very overwhelming for some people who prefer peace and quiet in their homes.

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It is crowded

Tourists flock to this Louisiana destination for its vibrant nightlife and delicious seafood, but those who live there may not have the same rosy outlook. With a metro area population of over 400,000 people, the influx of tourists throughout the year makes the already crowded streets even more chaotic.

This video tells more on the worst neighbourhoods to live in New Orleans. Read more residents’ reviews here.


The pros of Living in New Orleans

Again, New Orleans is one of the most iconic cities in the United States, and living there has many advantages. From its vibrant culture to its music, food, and great people, living in New Orleans can be a great experience.

One of the main benefits for people who live in New Orleans is that it’s a cultural hub filled with art galleries, museums, festivals and concerts all year round. With such an abundance of activities on offer throughout the city, you never have to worry about being bored.

Additionally, the nightlife scene offers something for everyone’s tastes from classic jazz bars to trendy lounges. A pursuit of simple pleasures an easy way to live, don’t you think?

The dreamy architecture, the mighty Mississippi, New Orleans’ own orchestra. The magic of this place outlasts the downside.

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The bottom line

In conclusion, living in New Orleans can be an enjoyable experience, but it does come with its own unique set of problems. From the high crime rate to the extreme weather conditions, there are many factors that can make life in New Orleans unpleasant. Despite these drawbacks, many people still choose to live and work in this beautiful and vibrant city due to its unique culture and fascinating history.

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