Reasons not to move to New Jersey

13 Reasons Not to Move To New Jersey | Must Read Before Moving

Reasons Not to Move To New Jersey

New Jersey is a densely populated state filled with rich culture and diverse communities; however, it is not the right fit for everyone. Moving to a new location should be carefully thought out before taking action, and there are some important reasons why New Jersey may not be the best choice for certain individuals. From the high cost of living to extreme weather conditions and high levels of bureaucracy, this article will outline four major reasons why one might reconsider making a move to New Jersey.

Here are some of the reasons not to move to New Jersey:

The cities are fast-paced and aggressive

Living in New Jersey means being constantly surrounded by hustle and bustle. The noise levels and traffic are insane in nearly all urban areas.  Across southern, northern and Central Jersey, cities are fast-paced and aggressive with busy roads, a lot of businesses, and overcrowded public places and transportation. Some cities are pretty overcrowded and riddled with criminals; think of Camden, Passaic, Paterson, etc.

Environmental Assessment for New York MTA's proposed Congestion Pricing  Program released | Mass Transit

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High level of bureaucracy

From navigating the complex and often tedious processes for obtaining a driver’s license, to dealing with red tape when trying to start a business, the bureaucratic system is a major problem, Even mundane tasks such as transferring a car title or getting certified copies of marriage documents require multiple trips to government offices and a great deal of paperwork.

Furthermore, there is an abundance of fees throughout various forms of bureaucracy which add up quickly over time. Those seeking larger projects will find that it can take months or even years before they are able to obtain permits from local governments and state agencies.

Insanely Hot and Humid Summers

With the combination of intense heat and extreme humidity, dealing with summers in NJ can really take its toll on residents. From stifling temperatures to oppressive air moisture, there’s no denying that living here has its challenges when it comes to staying cool and comfortable. The sweltering heat is often accompanied by a thick blanket of humidity that turns even the simplest tasks into an arduous chores.

Illustration of a weather thermometer on fire with a scorched top where the mercury has exploded.

Extremely Cold and dark winters

From December to March, temperatures often dip below freezing for extended periods of time, making it difficult to enjoy outdoor activities or even just get around town. In these months, you can expect freezing wind chills, dangerous snow storms and icy roads throughout the state. The days are shorter too, which means less sunlight and more hours spent in darkness. This can cause seasonal depression in some people who don’t get enough natural light throughout their day.

Very High Cost of Living

If you move to New Jersey, don’t be surprised to find that much of your money will go towards rent, mortgages, and other daily expenses. The taxes are notoriously high, and the state’s housing market is especially challenging for potential buyers and renters alike, with prices that are much higher than the national average.

Additionally, transportation costs tend to be quite expensive due to the lack of public transportation options available throughout many parts of NJ. Furthermore, if you want access to quality healthcare services or education programs for children, these things often come at a premium price point as well.

Horrible Public Transportation

Public transportation in New Jersey has long been an issue of contention for commuters and residents alike. The bad news is, it doesn’t look like anything is about to change anytime soon. What’s my point here?

Well, New Jersey’s bus lines often do not run on time, with late arrivals and departures causing significant delays for passengers. Furthermore, the state’s trains are often overcrowded during peak hours due to their limited capacity. This means longer wait times and more crowded rides for commuters who rely on these services daily. Additionally, the cost of public transportation can be prohibitively expensive, especially for those who use public transit regularly.

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Taxes are very high

Residents pay income tax on their wages, property tax on their homes, sales and use taxes, estate taxes and a number of other smaller ones. This adds up to a hefty sum that many people find hard to manage. Furthermore, these taxes increase year after year due to inflation or higher spending by the government.

Horrible traffic congestion

There’s traffic congestion throughout most areas of the state thanks to its densely populated nature, making commutes longer and more stressful than they would be elsewhere. The worst part about New Jersey’s traffic congestion is that there seems to be no end in sight. The volume of cars on the road increases year after year, creating gridlock during rush hour times and sometimes even spilling over into small towns normally free from traffic jams. And just to mention, if you are new in Jersey and the Turnpike is the only road home, you will hate the state.

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Why people are fleeing New Jersey more than any other state

Housing is extremely expensive

As earlier mentioned, the real estate market in New Jersey can be very competitive.  Prices tend to stay at or near market value due to high demand, meaning less negotiating power for buyers looking to purchase homes here.

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All sorts of insurance are expensive

While the state has plenty of great qualities, high insurance costs are definitely one of the bad things about living in New Jersey. From health coverage to car policies, the Garden State insurance rates are particularly exorbitant. NJ’s annual premiums for health insurance are higher than most other states. Rates range from $50-$100 per month for individual plans.  This has seen so many people drown in medical bills.

Property owners will be particularly hit hard by insurance expenses as they’ll need to pay for both homeowners and flood insurance. Homeowners insurance is required if you have a mortgage, but this policy doesn’t cover flooding or earthquake damage – separate policies are needed for these catastrophic events. This means additional premiums which can add up quickly depending on your location within the state.
Car owners also face inflated rates due to high population density along with strict regulations concerning auto coverage requirements established by the state government.

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Roads are teeny, complicated and confusing

Since many roads have been around since before cars were invented they tend to be narrow and winding. Many towns have complex street layouts with multiple turns and long names that require frequent double-checking just to make sure you’re going in the right direction.

This makes navigation difficult at times as drivers need to pay close attention to their maps or GPS systems in order to avoid getting lost. Moreover, parking can be a major headache as there are often limited spots available on busy streets or during peak hours.

These are the worst roads in New Jersey

Gang activity in smaller towns and large cities

Not only are larger cities, such as Newark and Camden, home to numerous gangs but so are some smaller towns and suburbs. This means that no matter where you live in New Jersey, you must take extra precautions to stay safe. If at all you decide to move to New Jersey, anyway, consider moving anywhere else except Camden, Trenton, Irvington, Paterson, Long Branch, Atlantic City, Salem, etc

Find out about other dangerous cities in New Jersey here.

High Racism

New Jersey is quite diverse; it has people from numerous ethnicities.  Those considered minority groups suffer from unfair treatment in places of employment in everyday interactions with fellow citizens. Many residents stay in cliques and hiss about other cliques. People of colour, especially blacks, are assumed to be drug addicts, poor or criminals.

The rich and middle-class people avoid places like the Golden Corral because that’s where poor people eat. So don’t you move to New Jersey thinking people are so liberal and assume you will be treated well as a minority?

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Wrap Up

Overall, living in New Jersey does have its perks, but the high cost of living, congested roads, bureaucracy, extreme weather conditions, etc give potential residents pause before making the move. The Garden State may offer some of America’s most beautiful scenery, but it is not the best choice for everyone. Before deciding to move to New Jersey, consider other locations with more favourable conditions.

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