Reasons why people regret moving to Calgary

8 Reasons why people regret moving to Calgary

Reasons why people regret moving to Calgary

Calgary is a vibrant and cosmopolitan city located in the western province of Alberta, Canada. It is one of the most prosperous cities in the country, offering excellent job opportunities and a high standard of living. The city has a population of over 1.4 million people, making it one of the largest cities in Canada. Living in Calgary offers numerous advantages such as great schools, a diverse culinary scene and surrounded by natural beauty. Calgary has been consistently ranked as one of the best cities to live in globally for many years due to its low crime rate and a welcoming environment for immigrants with cultural diversity celebrated through various festivals such as GlobalFest which brings together cultures from around the world. Furthermore, Calgary is renowned for its outdoor recreational activities such as skiing and hiking that are within easy reach from the city centre.

However, living in Calgary isn’t all sunshine and roses. There are some downsides to life in this bustling metropolis that you should be aware of before moving there. Here are 8 reasons why people regret moving to Calgary:

The Chinook Winds cause migraines

Chinook Winds are warm, dry winds that blow down from the Rocky Mountains and into Calgary.  While they bring relief from cold winter temperatures and snow, they can also have negative effects on human health. They cause significant changes in temperature over a short period, with temperatures rising by as much as 20 degrees Celsius in just a few hours. This rapid shift in weather leads to intense headaches for many people who suffer from migraines. The Chinook Winds are particularly problematic for those who live with migraine conditions or other types of chronic pain. The sudden change in air pressure and temperature tends to trigger severe headaches that last for days on end.

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Urban Sprawl

As the population of Calgary continues to grow, so does its urban sprawl. The city’s expanding suburbs are encroaching on natural habitats and farmland, leading to concerns about the loss of green spaces and wildlife. Beyond environmental issues, there are also numerous negative consequences associated with living in a sprawling metropolis like Calgary. One major concern is traffic congestion. As more people move into outlying areas, commuting times increase, leading to more time spent sitting in traffic and increased air pollution from idling vehicles. Additionally, as urban sprawl expands further from downtown areas, businesses and job opportunities become increasingly inaccessible for those who cannot afford cars or lengthy commutes.

Urban sprawl in Calgary

Housing prices and rent prices are very costly

Living in Calgary isn’t cheap. The housing and rental prices are very high and often unaffordable for many people. A good 2-bedroom apartment will all amenities is around $2000 downtown and $1500 around the city. The rents have taken a hit due to the recession but still, it’s hard to find a decent place around $1000. The average house price is $550 K as of April 2023, and the average condo is $296K and it’s hard to find any option in good neighbourhoods at these prices.  At the same time, property taxes are also relatively high compared to other cities in Canada, making it burdensome for homeowners to pay them off every year.

Visit this site for more information about the Calgary housing market and prices.

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The cost of living has been rising steadily

The high cost of rent, groceries, transportation, and healthcare expenses can make it challenging for many people to make ends meet. As mentioned above, housing prices have been on the rise for years, making it increasingly difficult for young families and first-time home buyers to purchase property. In addition, rental rates have also increased dramatically over time, making it hard for renters to find affordable accommodations within city limits. The cost of transportation is significant; owning a car or using public transit can be expensive since gas prices tend to fluctuate frequently while bus fares continue to rise every year. Additionally, sales tax rates are also higher than average at 5%, which adds to expenses.


The Winters are very harsh and most of the months are very dry

The winters are usually long and harsh; the cold weather can be brutal with temperatures dropping below -30°C regularly and snowfall accumulating rapidly.  You can imagine the amount of snow and ice on the roads and sidewalks. This makes getting around town difficult, as roads become slick and slippery. Additionally, due to the snowy conditions, public transportation may experience delays or cancellations which can be frustrating for commuters. Also, those who suffer from seasonal affective disorder often find it challenging to stay positive during the dark winter months.

The harsh winters of Calgary

With summers, they are relatively short and last only for about three months. This means that residents have to pack in as many outdoor activities as possible within this time frame. During summers, the weather can be unpredictable with sudden thunderstorms or hailstorms disrupting outdoor plans without warning. And what else? The swarms of mosquitoes that come out at dusk and dawn. These pesky insects can ruin any outdoor activity and make it hard to enjoy the beautiful scenery around you.

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Traffic Congestion and Terrible public transport

It doesn’t matter what time of day it is; there will always be traffic on the roads. It gets worse during peak hours when everyone is trying to get to work or home. The situation isn’t helped by the terrible public transport system that Calgary has. The buses and trains are often delayed or overcrowded, making it difficult for people to get where they need to be on time. Many suburbs in Calgary are not well-served by public transport at all, meaning residents must take multiple buses and trains just to reach their destinations.

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Hard water will give you nightmares; too much calcium buildup

Calgary has some of the hardest water in Canada. One issue with hard water is that it leads to calcium buildup on fixtures, pipes, and appliances. This buildup often clogs pipes and reduces the efficiency of appliances such as dishwashers, coffee makers, washing machines and even hot water tanks. Over time, it may even cause damage to plumbing systems that could result in costly repairs or replacements. Cleaning limescale off fixtures can be a tedious task which requires the use of harsh chemicals or specialized cleaning products. Most people cope by wrapping faucets, etc. with cotton wool and soaking in vinegar overnight for scrub-free removal and, using citric acid in anything with rubber gaskets to avoid vinegar breaking down the rubber.

Hard water and Calcium build up in Calgary

It’s very hard to meet people and make friends

One of the most challenging aspects of life in this bustling city is trying to meet new people and make friends. In Calgary, people seem to have their own core group of people or a specific social circle. Most of the friend groups are formed of people that knew each other from high school. Natives do not pay much attention to newcomers. Another reason why it’s so difficult to make friends in Calgary is that many people who move here do so for work or education purposes, which means they may not have a lot of time or energy left over to socialize. Additionally, because there are so many different neighbourhoods and communities within the city, it can be hard to find one that feels like home. This sense of dislocation can make it tough to connect with others who share your interests or values.

Learn more about Calgary’s downside from these reviews.

Bottom Line

Overall, while there are many wonderful things about living in Calgary, there are also some downsides to consider. The high cost of living, harsh winter weather, and the Chinook winds, etc. make it a challenging place to reside. However, it is important to note that these negatives do not negate the many positives of this vibrant city. With its stunning natural beauty, diverse cultural offerings, and thriving economy, Calgary remains an attractive destination for many. Ultimately, the decision to live in Calgary (or any city) is a personal one that requires careful consideration of individual goals and priorities. Before making the move, be sure to do your research and weigh the pros and cons carefully.

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